The perils of Web 2.0

Social media is a fairly big part of my life.

I’m a member of various social networks, such as, Facebook, LinkedIn and Plaxo to name but four and am connected to a variety of friends, business contacts and other people I’ve only ever met online.

But, and here’s a big but, I don’t connect with anyone I don’t vet or know first.

Thus, it was a minor irritation that I got at least three separate invites on different social networks over the weekend from someone I didn’t know called, get this, Joe Respondto.

How ridiculous is that? What a pitiful attempt at spam – calling yourself Respondto! It’s not even clever…

It also seems as if I’m not the only person who’s been getting similar invitations.

So, for those of you out there who have been silly enough to accept this person as a friend, make sure ‘he’ can’t get hold of any important, or sensitive information!

Fight, fight, fight

A boxing gloveThere’s a real guilty pleasure in looking up your own name on the Internet.

If you say you haven’t done it, I don’t believe you. It’s got real curiosity value, if only to find out who nicked your domain name if you missed out.

In my case, it’s some Stockcar Racing Champion in the States… weird.

Anyway, I’ve been having huge fun recently with the new game that takes that to the next level: the one and only Googlefight.

Basically, you choose any two things, people, whatever and the site tots up the number of Google pages for each and declares which one’s the winner.

For example: Jennifer Aniston v Angelina Jolie. The big-lipped former Tomb Raider shades it with 32m to Jen’s 15m.

Meanwhile, Noel Gallagher beats little brother Liam with 987k to 637k.

Go on, have a go… you’ll be hooked!