Stuff white people like

Apologies if I’m waaaay behind the curve on this one, but thanks to David Hepworth on this week’s Word Magazine podcast for drawing my attention to the fantastic blog Stuff White People Like.

Basically taking the right royal piss out of white middle class Americans (but very, very relevant to us Brits, as well), it alights on subjects such as: White Problems: their children drink wine?, having black friends and (very pertinent this one) marathons.

Very, very funny and very, very accurate!

The view from the provinces

BoxesC’s mum has been down for a few days and gave me an insight into life in places such as Shrewsbury.

She’d made a special visit to this posh chocolate shop, to buy something for C’s birthday and was greeted by a ‘Back in 5 minutes’ sign on the door.

Given that she’d made the trip especially, C’s mum happily waited the couple of minutes for the owner to return and re-open the shop.

Shopowner: I’m sorry… we’re in a bit of chaos at the moment, because we’re in the middle of relocating.

C’s mum: That’s OK, I was happy to wait. So, where are you moving to?

Shopowner: Oh, I can’t tell you that, it’s a secret

… now correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it help to tell any prospective future customers where you’re moving to, if you’re relocating.

Maybe it’s just a Shropshire thing!

The weirdest thing I’ve read this week!

Beth TweddleI can’t pretend I have a massive amount of interest in gymnastics. Admittedly, it was something I was actually quite good at as a kid, but the wonder of vaulting and somersaults has long since waned.

So it was with only a mild amount of curiosity that I read the interview with British world gymnastics champion Beth Tweddle in this weekend’s Observer Sport Monthly.

And she gave up this wonderful nugget of information:

In competition I glue my leotard on to my bum with tape spray… it saves you the embarrassment of showing the world your bum.

The things you have to do as a professional sportsperson, eh?