At some point, most of us question what we’re doing in life – especially when it comes to our job.
We debate if it’s really what we want to do and – inevitably – the following question will pop up: “What’s your passion?” The inference being, if we find that, we can give everything up and start a new.
But the writer Daniel Pink says this is totally the wrong question to help you decide. Instead we should be focusing on the things we gravitate to naturally during our spare time.
– What did you do last Saturday afternoon – for fun, for yourself?
– What books do you read or blogs do you visit, not for work, but just because you’re interested in them?
– What are you great at? What comes easily to you?
– What would you do – or are you already doing – for free?
Then – and only then – can you be sure that your passion is more than just a dream, but actually something you actively enjoy doing.
Thinking about giving it all up. Answer those questions and see what you come up with.
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