Last night saw the first Brighton Future of News meet up @theskiff with around 30 interested people attending.Â
The idea is to get a group of like-minded people in the same room and discuss innovative news for 2010 and beyond.Â
Last night, Jo Wadsworth from the Brighton Argus gave a talk about how community journalism and blogs have evolved on the online version of the paper and the plan to roll this out further with even more community reporters, plus how this differs from 'regular journalism'.Â
That was followed by a totally different presentation from Simon Willison, a developer at The Guardian who built the crowdsourcing application that was used successfully to investigate MPs' expenses, as well as a brilliant site called WildlifeNearYou. He showed how the idea of crowdsourcing is changing the way many websites evolve, also using OpenStreetMap as an example.
The event and group was organised by Judith Townend from journalism.co.uk and if initial reaction is anything to go by, looks like it will be a big hit in the future. Â Â
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