No knickers Nigella

Nigella LawsonI like Nigella Lawson’s food – it’s unashamedly lardy and it tastes flippin’ good (what I’ve made from her books anyway).

I can’t say I’m one of these blokes who fancies the pants off her, though. She tries too hard to be normal, even though she’s clearly unfeasibly posh. She went down in my estimation even further, when I read an interview with her in a weekend newspaper.

The finger-lickin’ cook revealed that she never wears knickers, because she always has long skirts on. Some men find this a turn-on, but I just think it’s a bit ewww!

More Nigella Lawson on this site

11 thoughts on “No knickers Nigella”

  1. It’s about time someone came out and confessed to being human instead of the forced fed moralistic values of our parents.
    My hubby loves her.
    Yes I not wear underwear as well.

  2. I love Nigella! Who cares how she wishes to dress? I will concentrate on her cooking abilities; take what i need and leave the rest!

    Wishing Nigella and her family many blessings at this holiday season!

  3. Hello to all. I dont care about her dress but i like the way she talks i.e. very attractive and charming. Plus i also like the foods she made.

  4. … of course she’s posh, that’s one of the things that makes Nigella so darned sex… As for her wearing no knickers, that seals it – I’m gone, hook-line-and-sinker… aaaaaaahhhhhhh. She’s a real woman, for which we should thank God.

  5. she’s very eatable just like her cooking.. and no I don’t agree with you when you sais ewww.

  6. I totally admire Nigella. She doesn t give a toss about being thin and loves her food. I wish i could be the same but I am not happy when i gain weight so i have to work hard to stay slim. I think she is a beautiful woman and it just proves big can be beautiful.

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